
Numbers 5:22 – “May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.’ Then the woman is to say, ‘Amen. So be it.’”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Numbers 5:22 continues the “Test for an Unfaithful Wife,” where the priest pronounces a curse over a woman suspected of adultery. In this verse, the curse is specifically tied to the bitter water she is made to drink. The water, if she is guilty, will cause her abdomen to swell or her womb to miscarry, serving as a physical sign of God’s judgment. The woman’s response, “Amen. So be it,” signifies her acceptance of the terms of the test, acknowledging that God’s judgment is just.

This verse highlights the seriousness of the ritual, emphasizing that the outcome is in God’s hands. The woman’s agreement to the oath underscores the gravity of the situation, as she is putting her fate before God, trusting Him to reveal the truth. The curse itself is not meant to be merely punitive but serves as a clear indication that unfaithfulness is a serious offense with real consequences.

Historical Context

In the ancient Israelite society, marriage was sacred, and infidelity was a severe breach of the marital covenant. The stability of the community depended on the faithfulness of its families, and any unfaithfulness threatened that order. The “Test for an Unfaithful Wife” was a unique process given by God to address accusations of infidelity fairly, especially when there was no direct evidence.

The curse and the ritual were not meant to be a mere public spectacle but a way to involve God directly in judgment. In a culture where oaths and curses were taken very seriously, the woman’s declaration of “Amen” was a solemn acceptance that God alone could judge the hidden truth. This process ensured that accusations were not left unresolved, and it prevented the community from descending into chaos based on unproven suspicions.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Numbers 5:22 shows that God is deeply concerned with truth and justice. This verse demonstrates that God’s judgment is perfect and that He sees beyond human appearances and hidden actions. The curse is a stark reminder of the consequences of sin, particularly those that involve betrayal and breaking of trust.

The woman’s acceptance of the terms (“Amen. So be it”) underscores the importance of accountability before God. It teaches us that there is a need for honesty and integrity in all our relationships, especially in our commitments. The ritual also highlights that God’s justice is fair—He protects the innocent and exposes the guilty, showing that no sin is hidden from His sight.

Literary Analysis

Numbers 5:22 is vivid and dramatic, using strong imagery to convey the consequences of unfaithfulness. The phrase “May this water that brings a curse enter your body” is not just a warning but a direct appeal for divine judgment. The description of the abdomen swelling or the womb miscarrying paints a clear picture of the physical manifestation of guilt, making the spiritual consequences of sin visible in a tangible way.

The woman’s response, “Amen. So be it,” is a formal acknowledgment that the judgment is just and accepted. It signifies submission to God’s authority and a recognition that the outcome is beyond human control. This verse highlights the ritual’s seriousness and the weight of bringing hidden matters before God for His verdict.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Deuteronomy 27:15-26 – In this passage, the people of Israel respond with “Amen” to a series of curses pronounced for disobedience, reflecting their acknowledgment of God’s judgment.
  • Psalm 51:4 – “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.” This verse emphasizes that sin is ultimately against God, who is just in His judgments.
  • James 5:12 – “Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ Otherwise, you will be condemned.” This verse reflects the importance of honesty and integrity in our commitments.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For Christians today, Numbers 5:22 reminds us of the weight of our words, commitments, and the importance of truth in our relationships. This verse challenges us to consider how seriously we take our promises and the consequences of failing to live with integrity. It also emphasizes the need to bring our conflicts and hidden sins before God, trusting that He is the ultimate judge of truth.

The verse also calls us to accountability, reminding us that we cannot hide our actions from God. It encourages us to live with transparency and to be honest in our dealings with others, knowing that God sees all and that His judgment is fair and just.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Numbers 5:22 reflects God’s love in His desire for truth and justice. The ritual, while severe, was designed to protect the community and uphold the sanctity of marriage. By involving God directly, it ensured that the innocent were vindicated and the guilty were held accountable. God’s love is shown in His willingness to intervene in human affairs, providing a way for hidden matters to be revealed.

God’s involvement in this process demonstrates that He cares deeply about our relationships and wants us to live in truth. He does not leave us to handle our conflicts and suspicions alone but invites us to bring them before Him, seeking His wisdom and justice. This reflects His commitment to restoration, healing, and maintaining the integrity of His people.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ, who fulfills the role of both judge and mediator. Jesus came to reveal the truth, expose sin, and offer a path to forgiveness and reconciliation. While the ritual in Numbers involved a curse for sin, Jesus took upon Himself the ultimate curse of sin on the cross (Galatians 3:13), offering grace where judgment was deserved.

Jesus teaches us the importance of honesty and purity in our hearts, calling us to live in a way that honors God and others (Matthew 5:8). He provides a way for us to bring our hidden sins into the light, offering not condemnation but forgiveness and a fresh start. In Christ, we are invited to live free from the power of sin and to walk in truth and integrity, knowing that His grace covers our failures.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does this verse challenge you to think about the seriousness of your commitments and the importance of living with integrity?
  2. What steps can you take to ensure that you are honest in your relationships and accountable before God?
  3. How does understanding that God sees all affect the way you handle hidden sins or areas of temptation in your life?
  4. In what ways does Jesus’ role as our mediator encourage you to bring your struggles and sins before Him, seeking His forgiveness and guidance?
  5. How can you reflect God’s love, justice, and commitment to truth in your own interactions with others, especially in difficult situations?

Numbers 5:22 serves as a powerful reminder of the reality of God’s judgment and the need for integrity in all aspects of life. It calls us to seek God’s truth, rely on His justice, and trust in His love as we navigate our relationships and commitments. Through Christ, we are offered a path to forgiveness, restoration, and the freedom to live in the light of His grace and truth.