
Prayer for My Son

Prayer for my sonPrayer for my son can be hard because when parenting is really hard, sometimes the only prayer I can muster is, “Help!” I’m thankful God hears those desperate pleas. Then there are other times that I want to pray for my son more intentionally but am not sure what to say. 

I know that I need God’s help to be a good parent. Without the Lord’s wisdom and strength, it would be tough to make it through the ups and downs of raising a child. So, when I don’t know what to do with my son, I reach out to God in prayer.

And I know my son needs the Lord’s help, as well. Growing up is hard. Thinking about the number of temptations and struggles he may face can be overwhelming. But praying for my son brings me peace. Turning to God in prayer reminds me that he is God’s child as well, and I can trust the Lord to take care of him.

As I’ve searched through scripture, I’ve found some powerful verses to pray over my son. And if you are a parent trying to pray for your son, I hope they will encourage and guide you, too.

Start Praying for Your Son Now

There are a lot of great Bible verses about prayer. One of my favorites is “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2). I like that it connects prayer to being watchful.

Most parents are naturally watchful. We’re always on the lookout for what’s going on in our kids’ lives. Sometimes what we see makes us worry. Well, that can be a good time to ask for the Lord’s help and protection. Other times what we see makes us proud, and that can be a wonderful reminder to say prayers of thanksgiving. 

While you are watching over your son, remember that God is watching over you. He knows what you’re dealing with, and He will be there to love you through it. God doesn’t leave us to parent alone. It is also comforting to remember that God is also a Father, and He understands how tough this parenting job can be!

As you start praying for your son, there may be times that you feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling. Maybe you’re asking God for something particular, but it’s just not happening. In those moments, remember that “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (Nahum 1:7). And that is true regardless of your circumstances. 

Trusting God in Every Stage of Your Son’s Life

I certainly agree that “Whether your son is a teenager struggling to find his way or a toddler just beginning to discover his own voice, it’s important to lift your son up in prayer.” No matter how old your son is, he needs your prayers! 

However, your prayers will undoubtedly change as he grows. Here are prayers to pray over your son at different stages of life.

Prayer for a young son

If your son is young, Proverbs 22:6 is a wonderful verse to guide your prayers: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.“ 

You can turn it into a prayer like this: 

Lord, thank you for my beloved son. Please help me to start him off on the right path. Guide him every step of the way and protect him from getting on other, more dangerous paths. May he follow your ways even until old age.”

Prayer for a teenage son

When your son enters the teenage years, there are even more reasons to pray! Emotions run high for teens and their parents. We want to help them because we’ve been there before, but we’re also preparing them to launch. It can be a tricky balance. 

Ephesians 6:4 is an insightful verse in those tough teenage years: “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Here is an example prayer based on that verse:

God, I desperately want to be a good parent. Please show me how to train and instruct my child well. Give me the words to say and hold my tongue when I need to be patient. May I be a source of inspiration instead of exasperation! 

Prayer for an adult son

Your son still needs your prayers even when he’s out of your house. You can’t be there to guide him through all the hard choices he’ll face as a young man and beyond, but his heavenly Father can! There is so much to pray for as your son grows, including his career, marriage, and his own fatherhood. 

If your son is married, here is a great prayer to say:  Holy Lord, please help my son follow your Son. May he be a husband who loves like Christ– with tenderness, compassion, fidelity, and courage.

If your son is a father, remind him that “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him” (Psalm 127:3). And pray that he would be a praying father!

More Help When Praying for Your Son

Here is one final verse to guide your prayers for your son: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Your son has a heavenly Father who loves him and is watching over him. So, don’t let worry or fear overpower you. Instead, just keep praying for your son daily and trust that God will guide, protect, and help him every day of his life.

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