
Josiah’s Reign and Reforms

Early Reforms and Commitment to God

2 Chronicles 34 details the reign of Josiah, who becomes king of Judah at the tender age of eight. Unlike his father Amon and grandfather Manasseh (in his early years), Josiah seeks to follow the Lord from a young age. By the age of sixteen, he begins to seek the God of his ancestor David, and by the age of twenty, he starts purging Judah and Jerusalem of high places, Asherah poles, carved idols, and cast images (2 Chronicles 34:1-4). His zeal for reform leads him to destroy the altars of the Baals, and he has their incense altars cut down and their debris burned.

Religious Revival Across the Land

Josiah’s reforms extend beyond Jerusalem to the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon, and as far as Naphtali. Throughout these regions, he tears down the altars and idols, purifying the land and returning it to the worship of the Lord (2 Chronicles 34:6-7).

Discovery of the Law

Temple Repairs and Discovery

By the age of twenty-six, Josiah turns his attention to repairing the temple of the Lord. He appoints Shaphan the scribe and other officials to oversee the work, funded by the silver collected from the people by the Levite gatekeepers (2 Chronicles 34:8-13). During the temple restoration, Hilkiah the priest finds the Book of the Law of the Lord given through Moses. This discovery is pivotal, as it reveals to Josiah the extent of Judah’s neglect of God’s commandments.

The Reading of the Law

Shaphan the scribe brings the book to Josiah and reads it in his presence. Realizing that they have not been living according to the Law and fearing God’s wrath, Josiah tears his robes in distress and sends Hilkiah and other officials to inquire of the Lord for himself and the remnant in Israel and Judah (2 Chronicles 34:14-21).

Prophetic Warning and Josiah’s Response

Prophetic Message from Huldah

The officials consult the prophetess Huldah, who prophesies disaster for Judah because the people have forsaken God and burned incense to other gods. However, she also delivers a message of hope to Josiah, telling him that because his heart was responsive and he humbled himself before God upon hearing the words of the Law, the disaster would not come during his lifetime (2 Chronicles 34:22-28).

Covenant Renewal

Moved by the words of the Law and the prophecy, Josiah gathers all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem, and they go up to the temple. There, he reads all the words of the Book of the Covenant to the entire assembly. Josiah then leads the people in renewing the covenant, committing themselves to follow the Lord and keep His commandments with all their heart and soul (2 Chronicles 34:29-32). This renewal marks a significant religious revival in Judah.

Theological Significance

Connection to Jesus Christ

Josiah’s discovery of the Law and his subsequent reforms foreshadow the work of Jesus Christ, who comes not to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. Christ’s teachings bring a deeper understanding of the Law, emphasizing not just the letter but the spirit, leading to a true heart transformation, much like Josiah’s reforms aimed to do.

Divine Love and Relationship

The narrative emphasizes God’s readiness to forgive and restore those who turn back to Him wholeheartedly. Josiah’s reforms, prompted by his reading of the Law and realization of God’s standards, illustrate the Lord’s desire for His people to live in righteousness and peace.

Contemporary Relevance

Why 2 Chronicles 34 Still Matters Today

Importance of God’s Word

The impact of rediscovering God’s Law in Josiah’s time underscores the importance of Scripture in guiding moral and spiritual life. This encourages believers to engage regularly with Scripture, allowing it to inform and direct their actions and decisions.

Value of Repentant Leadership

Josiah’s example shows the power of repentant and humble leadership. His willingness to change direction and lead his nation back to God serves as a model for leaders in all areas of life today, highlighting the impact one person can have on many.

Renewal and Revival

Finally, the chapter highlights the potential for renewal and revival that comes from returning to God’s commands. It serves as a reminder that no situation is beyond hope and that sincere efforts to restore God’s standards can rejuvenate individuals and communities alike.

2 Chronicles 34 not only recounts the significant events of Josiah’s reign but also provides lasting insights into the transformative power of Scripture, the importance of righteous leadership, and the enduring call to live according to God’s ways.