
Naaman’s Healing and Gehazi’s Greed

Naaman’s Leprosy and Journey to Israel

2 Kings 5 tells the story of Naaman, a commander of the Syrian army, who suffers from leprosy. Despite his high status and valor, Naaman is unable to find a cure in his homeland. A young Israelite girl, captured and serving in his household, suggests he seek help from Elisha, the prophet in Israel.

Seeking a Cure in a Foreign Land

Naaman approaches the king of Syria, who then sends a letter along with gifts of silver, gold, and clothing to the king of Israel, asking for Naaman to be cured. The king of Israel, misunderstanding the request as a pretext for conflict, reacts with despair. Elisha, hearing of this, directs Naaman to come to him for healing, showcasing the true power of God in Israel (2 Kings 5:1-8).

Elisha’s Simple Prescription and Naaman’s Resistance

The Prophet’s Humble Command

Elisha sends a messenger to instruct Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan River to be healed. Naaman, expecting a grander gesture, initially balks at the simplicity and seemingly mundane nature of Elisha’s instructions. His servants persuade him to comply, pointing out that he would have undertaken a greater task if asked (2 Kings 5:9-13).

Naaman’s Cleansing

Naaman’s obedience results in his miraculous healing. He emerges from the Jordan River with skin restored like that of a young boy. This profound healing leads Naaman to acknowledge the God of Israel as the only true God, renouncing any allegiance to other gods (2 Kings 5:14).

Gehazi’s Deception and Punishment

Greed Overcomes Gehazi

Contrasting with Naaman’s newfound faith, Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, succumbs to greed. Unhappy with Elisha’s refusal to accept gifts from Naaman, Gehazi deceitfully obtains silver and clothing by falsely claiming Elisha had requested them for other prophets (2 Kings 5:20-24).

Divine Judgment

When Gehazi returns, Elisha confronts him with his knowledge of Gehazi’s actions, which he supernaturally knew. As a result of his greed and deceit, Gehazi is stricken with Naaman’s former leprosy, a punishment that would extend to his descendants (2 Kings 5:25-27).

Theological Significance

Connection to Jesus Christ

Naaman’s healing from leprosy parallels the numerous healings performed by Jesus Christ, who cleansed lepers as signs of His messianic authority and as acts demonstrating God’s mercy and power over disease. Both stories highlight the necessity of faith and obedience in receiving God’s healing.

Divine Love and Relationship

The narrative illustrates God’s inclusive love for all humanity, not just the Israelites. Naaman, a Syrian, experiences God’s healing and acknowledges His sovereignty, showing that God’s compassion extends beyond national and ethnic boundaries.

Contemporary Relevance

Why 2 Kings 5 Still Matters Today

Universal Need for Humility and Faith

Naaman’s initial pride and subsequent healing encourage a universal call for humility and faith in God’s provisions, even when they do not align with human expectations. This teaches believers to trust in God’s ways, recognizing that His plans are often different from ours but always for our good.

Consequences of Greed

Gehazi’s downfall serves as a stark warning against the perils of greed and dishonesty. It reminds us of the importance of integrity in our actions and the dire consequences of succumbing to greed.

Inclusivity of God’s Love

Finally, Naaman’s story underscores the inclusivity of God’s love and the availability of His salvation to all people. It challenges believers to embrace and enact this inclusivity in their own lives, reaching out across cultural and national boundaries with the love of God.

2 Kings 5 not only provides an account of dramatic healings and moral lessons but also offers enduring insights into the nature of God’s interactions with humanity, emphasizing themes of faith, obedience, justice, and the universal scope of His divine love.