
Overview of Daniel 12


Daniel 12 concludes the visions given to Daniel with a powerful message about the end times, the resurrection of the dead, and the ultimate deliverance of God’s people. This chapter transitions from the specific historical prophecies of previous chapters to more universal and eschatological themes.

The Time of the End (Daniel 12:1-4)

The chapter begins with a prophetic assurance that at the time of the greatest tribulation, Michael, the great prince who protects God’s people, will arise. It is stated that there will be a time of distress unmatched from the beginning of nations, but during this period, every person whose name is found written in the book will be delivered.

Promised Deliverance and Resurrection

This section not only predicts severe trials and tribulations but also the hope of resurrection and eternal life for the righteous. This promise of resurrection is one of the clearest Old Testament references to a bodily resurrection.

Daniel’s Questions and the Angel’s Responses (Daniel 12:5-13)

As Daniel observes two others standing on opposite sides of a river, one asks how long it will be until the end of these wonders. The man clothed in linen, who is above the waters of the river, swears by God that it will be for a “time, times, and half a time,” and that all these things will be finished when the power of the holy people has been finally broken.

Divine Assurance in Mystical Terms

This dialogue presents the timing of the events in enigmatic terms, emphasizing the certainty of God’s plan, yet leaving the exact timing mysterious and open to divine timing.

Connections and Theological Implications

Connection to Jesus Christ

Daniel 12 connects to Jesus Christ through its themes of resurrection and eternal judgment. Christ Himself refers to the resurrection in terms similar to those found in Daniel when He speaks of the end times (Matthew 24). The description of those who shine like the brightness of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness reflects the glorification and righteous deeds of the saints in the New Testament.

God’s Love for the World

This chapter demonstrates God’s love by reassuring His people of their ultimate deliverance and vindication. God’s commitment to resurrect and reward the righteous is a profound display of His grace and His desire for eternal fellowship with His people.

Relevance Today

Daniel 12 remains profoundly relevant today for several reasons:

  • Hope in Future Resurrection: It provides Christians with a foundational hope in the resurrection, underscoring that despite death or persecution, eternal life awaits those who are faithful.
  • Encouragement During Persecution: The assurance that tribulation will not last indefinitely and that God has set limits to suffering offers comfort and encouragement to those facing trials.
  • Call to Righteous Living: The promise that those who lead many to righteousness will shine like stars forever spurs believers to live lives dedicated to godliness and to spreading the gospel.


Daniel 12 not only concludes the visionary experiences of Daniel but also encapsulates the overarching themes of hope, resurrection, and divine justice that resonate through the ages. It challenges believers to remain steadfast, looking toward the ultimate reality of God’s kingdom, and encourages them with the certainty of God’s control over all history and His plans for a future that includes resurrection and eternal life. This message remains a vital source of hope and inspiration for Christians as they navigate the complexities and challenges of the present world.