
Instructions for the Altar of Incense, Census, and Anointing Oil

Exodus 30 outlines additional instructions for the Tabernacle’s furnishings, including the altar of incense, the census tax for the sanctuary, the bronze basin, and the sacred anointing oil and incense. These directives emphasize the sanctity of worship and the need for purity and holiness in approaching God.

The Altar of Incense

  • Design and Placement: The altar of incense, made of acacia wood and overlaid with gold, is to be placed in front of the veil that shields the Ark of the Covenant. Aaron is to burn fragrant incense on it every morning and evening, symbolizing continual prayer and the presence of God (Exodus 30:1-10).

The Sanctuary Tax

  • Census and Atonement Money: When taking a census of the Israelites, each man is required to pay a ransom for his life to avoid a plague. This atonement money, half a shekel per person, is used for the service of the Tent of Meeting, emphasizing the value of each individual and their role in supporting the sanctuary (Exodus 30:11-16).

The Bronze Basin

  • Function and Importance: A bronze basin with a stand is to be placed between the Tent of Meeting and the altar for Aaron and his sons to wash their hands and feet before entering the Tent or approaching the altar. This act of washing symbolizes the need for purification and holiness (Exodus 30:17-21).

Anointing Oil and Incense

  • Sacred Anointing Oil: Detailed instructions are given for making a sacred anointing oil from a blend of spices and olive oil. This oil is for anointing the Tabernacle, its furnishings, and the priests, consecrating them as holy (Exodus 30:22-33).
  • Incense Formula: Similar specificity is provided for a holy incense blend, which is pure and sacred, underlining the sanctity of the ingredients and their use only for God’s purposes (Exodus 30:34-38).

Theological Significance and Connection to Jesus Christ

Christological Reflections

  • Intercession and Presence: The altar of incense represents Christ’s role as an intercessor, whose prayers and presence continually ascend before God on behalf of His people.
  • Redemption and Cleansing: The ransom money and washing at the bronze basin prefigure Christ’s redemptive sacrifice, which cleanses believers from sin and sanctifies them for worship and service.
  • Anointing by the Holy Spirit: The sacred anointing oil typifies the Holy Spirit’s anointing of believers, consecrating them as holy for God’s purposes, a concept further developed in the New Testament.

Divine Love and Its Implications

  • Providing Means of Approach: God’s detailed instructions for these elements show His desire for His people to have means of approaching Him in worship that are pure and holy, reflecting His nature and the seriousness with which they should regard His presence.
  • Holiness and Community Contribution: The requirements for communal contributions and personal cleansing underscore the communal nature of worship and the individual responsibility towards maintaining a holy community.

Contemporary Relevance

Why Exodus 30 Still Matters Today

  • Importance of Prayer and Worship: The altar of incense serves as a reminder of the importance of regular, devoted prayer and worship as means of communicating with and staying close to God.
  • Personal and Communal Holiness: The bronze basin’s symbolism invites modern believers to consider their own purity and preparedness in serving God, emphasizing the ongoing need for spiritual cleanliness.
  • Support and Responsibility: The concept of atonement money illustrates the principle that everyone, regardless of status, has a part to play in supporting and maintaining the places and practices of worship.

Exodus 30 not only outlines the physical and ritual preparations necessary for proper worship but also deepens understanding of the spiritual principles that should guide believers’ lives, encouraging continual devotion, community responsibility, and the pursuit of holiness in approaching God.