
Construction of the Tabernacle

Exodus 36 recounts the actual construction of the Tabernacle, focusing on the implementation of the plans detailed in earlier chapters. This chapter highlights the skillful execution of work by Bezalel, Oholiab, and their team of skilled artisans, as well as the enthusiastic contribution of materials by the Israelite community.

Mobilization of Skilled Artisans

  • Bezalel and Oholiab Leading: Following God’s direction, Bezalel and Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord had given ability and who was willing came to do the work of constructing the sanctuary. Their work exemplifies the importance of using divinely gifted skills in service to God (Exodus 36:1-2).

Abundance of Offerings

  • Generous Contributions: The people continue bringing freewill offerings every morning, so much so that the workers report to Moses that they have received more than enough materials to complete the entire work. Moses then issues a command to stop bringing offerings, reflecting the community’s overwhelming generosity (Exodus 36:3-7).

Construction Details

Crafting the Tabernacle

  • Curtains and Frames: The chapter details the making of the curtains of finely twisted linen and goat hair, the coverings of ram skins dyed red, and the other materials prepared for the Tabernacle. The construction of the frames, the bases, and the curtain of the Most Holy Place is also described, adhering closely to the instructions provided by God (Exodus 36:8-38).

Theological Significance and Connection to Jesus Christ

Christological Echoes

  • Christ as the True Tabernacle: The physical construction of the Tabernacle prefigures Christ, who John describes as “tabernacling” among us (John 1:14). Jesus embodies the ultimate dwelling place of God among His people.
  • Perfection in Craftsmanship: The meticulous craftsmanship required for the Tabernacle reflects the perfection and holiness of Christ, who perfectly fulfills all the requirements of the law and offers Himself as a flawless sacrifice for sin.

Divine Love and Its Implications

  • Provision of Skills and Resources: The divine provision of skills to the artisans and the abundance of materials contributed by the people illustrate God’s provision and how He equips His people to fulfill His commands, reflecting His love and care in enabling them to participate in His divine plan.
  • Unity and Participation: The communal effort in building the Tabernacle demonstrates God’s desire for His people to work together in unity, each contributing their part towards the common goal of creating a space for God’s presence.

Contemporary Relevance

Why Exodus 36 Still Matters Today

  • Value of Community in Faith Projects: This chapter serves as a reminder of the importance of community collaboration in religious and spiritual projects. It highlights how each person’s contribution, whether in skills or resources, is vital to the collective success of the endeavor.
  • Stewardship and Generosity: The generosity of the Israelites serves as a model for modern believers, encouraging them to give willingly and abundantly to God’s work, trusting that God will provide all that is necessary.
  • Use of Talents for God’s Glory: The detailed account of the artisans using their God-given talents to build the Tabernacle encourages believers to use their own skills and abilities in service to God, recognizing that every skill can be used for His glory.

Exodus 36 not only chronicles the physical construction of the Tabernacle but also offers profound lessons on generosity, community involvement, and the use of talents in service to God, making it a chapter with enduring relevance for the life and work of the faithful.