
Construction of the Tabernacle Furnishings

Exodus 37 details the construction of key furnishings for the Tabernacle, illustrating the meticulous craftsmanship of Bezalel, whom God had filled with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. This chapter emphasizes the precision and sacredness required in creating items for worship.

The Ark of the Covenant

  • Design and Craftsmanship: Bezalel constructs the Ark of acacia wood and overlays it with pure gold, both inside and out. He also makes gold rings and poles for transporting the Ark, ensuring that it can be moved according to the regulations given by God (Exodus 37:1-5).
  • The Mercy Seat: A solid gold cover (the mercy seat) with two cherubim facing each other is crafted. This mercy seat represents God’s throne, from which He would meet with Moses and speak to the Israelites (Exodus 37:6-9).

The Table for the Bread of the Presence

  • Construction Details: The table of acacia wood overlaid with gold is made, including rings and poles for carrying. Dishes, pans, jars, and bowls made of pure gold are prepared for use on the table, which holds the Bread of the Presence (Exodus 37:10-16).

The Golden Lampstand

  • Intricate Work: The lampstand (Menorah) is crafted from a single piece of pure gold. Its detailed design includes six branches with three cups shaped like almond flowers on each branch, with knobs and flowers (Exodus 37:17-24).
  • Purpose: This lampstand is to hold seven lamps, which will illuminate the space before it, representing the light of God’s presence among His people (Exodus 37:23).

The Altar of Incense

  • Design and Function: Made of acacia wood and overlaid with gold, the altar is small and square, with horns on each corner. It is used for burning incense each morning and evening, symbolizing the prayers of the people rising to God (Exodus 37:25-29).

Theological Significance and Connection to Jesus Christ

Christological Echoes

  • Ark of the Covenant: The Ark, especially the mercy seat, prefigures Christ’s role as the atonement cover. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate mercy seat, where God’s presence and mercy meet humanity, offering forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Golden Lampstand: Christ refers to Himself as the light of the world (John 8:12), similar to how the lampstand illuminated the Tabernacle. Christ’s teachings and life illuminate the path to God.

Divine Love and Its Implications

  • Detail and Beauty in Worship: The detailed instructions and the beauty of the furnishings reflect God’s love for beauty and order. They signify that worship is a reflection of God’s holiness and deserves our best efforts and resources.
  • Accessibility to God: The furnishings, particularly the Ark and the altar of incense, illustrate how God made provisions for the Israelites to approach Him, symbolizing His desire to be near His people and accessible to them.

Contemporary Relevance

Why Exodus 37 Still Matters Today

  • Worship and Reverence: The craftsmanship of the Tabernacle’s furnishings teaches modern believers about the reverence and quality that should characterize our worship and service to God.
  • Use of Talents for God’s Glory: The skill and artistry of Bezalel inspire believers to use their God-given talents in the service of the church and for the glory of God, reminding us that all forms of work can be acts of worship.
  • Symbolism in Christian Life: The symbols found in the Tabernacle—light, bread, and incense—can deepen a believer’s understanding of how Christ fulfills and transcends these elements, enriching our spiritual life and practice.

Exodus 37 not only details the physical preparations for worship but also offers deep spiritual insights into how elements of the Tabernacle point to Christ, enhancing our understanding of God’s plan for redemption and the ongoing significance of these symbols in our worship and relationship with God.