
Crafting the Priestly Garments

Exodus 39 details the completion of the priestly garments, aligning closely with the instructions given in Exodus 28. This chapter emphasizes the importance of obedience in craftsmanship and the role of the priesthood in Israel’s worship.

Fabrication of the Garments

  • Ephod, Breastplate, and Other Garments: Artisans skillfully craft the ephod and the breastplate, important elements of the high priest’s attire, using gold, blue, purple, and scarlet yarns, and fine linen. The breastplate features twelve stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel, signifying the high priest’s role in representing the people before God (Exodus 39:1-21).
  • Robe of the Ephod: The robe of the ephod is made entirely of blue cloth, with pomegranates and bells along the hem. The bells are meant to sound when the high priest enters the Holy Place, serving as a reminder of his continual service to God and the community (Exodus 39:22-26).
  • Additional Items: Other items, including a turban, a sash, and a sacred diadem with the inscription “Holy to the LORD,” are made, ensuring that every aspect of the high priest’s attire is crafted to specific divine specifications, reflecting the holiness required of his office (Exodus 39:27-31).

Presentation and Inspection of the Work

  • Completion and Presentation: Once all the work of the Tabernacle and the garments is completed, everything is brought to Moses for inspection. Moses examines all the work and, finding that it has been made according to the Lord’s command, blesses the craftsmen and the people (Exodus 39:32-43).

Theological Significance and Connection to Jesus Christ

Christological Reflections

  • High Priest Symbolism: The intricate details of the high priest’s garments, designed for beauty and dignity, symbolize Jesus Christ as our High Priest. Unlike the earthly priests who needed to make sacrifices repeatedly, Christ offered Himself once for all, providing a perfect and complete sacrifice (Hebrews 7:26-28).
  • Intercessory Role: The high priest’s role as an intercessor for the people of Israel prefigures Christ’s intercessory role at the right hand of God, where He continually intercedes for believers (Romans 8:34).

Divine Love and Its Implications

  • God’s Provision for Worship: The detailed instructions for the priestly garments and the precise execution by the artisans demonstrate God’s provision of both materials and skills necessary for His people to worship Him appropriately, reflecting His love and care.
  • Holiness and Approachability: The garments, designed to set the priests apart as holy, symbolize God’s calling for His people to be holy. They facilitate a way for a sinful people to approach a holy God, foreshadowing the ultimate access provided through Christ.

Contemporary Relevance

Why Exodus 39 Still Matters Today

  • Importance of Obedience and Reverence in Worship: The meticulous obedience in following God’s commands for the Tabernacle and the garments teaches the importance of reverence and attention to detail in how we worship God today.
  • Value of Skilled Craftsmanship in Sacred Contexts: The celebration of craftsmanship in the service of the Tabernacle encourages the use of artistic and technical skills in religious settings today, valuing beauty and skill as offerings to God.
  • Symbolic Dress and Conduct: The priestly garments, laden with symbolism, remind modern believers that their conduct and ‘spiritual attire’ should reflect their sacred calling, promoting lives marked by holiness and service to God.

Exodus 39 not only recounts the fulfillment of God’s commands regarding the Tabernacle but also offers profound insights into the nature of holy service, the significance of divine instructions, and the beauty of worship that is conducted in spirit and truth.