
Righteous Acts in Secret (Matthew 6:1-18)

Warning Against Hypocrisy

Jesus begins by warning his disciples against performing righteous acts for public recognition. He emphasizes that true piety should be expressed privately, where God, who sees in secret, will reward openly (Matthew 6:1).

The Practice of Almsgiving

Jesus instructs on giving to the needy discreetly, without drawing attention to oneself, contrasting the hypocritical behaviors of those who seek human applause (Matthew 6:2-4).

The Manner of Prayer

He continues with guidance on prayer, advocating for a private, sincere approach rather than using prayer to gain public admiration. Jesus criticizes empty repetitions and lengthy prayers meant to impress others, highlighting that God values the heart’s intention over words (Matthew 6:5-8).

The Lord’s Prayer

Jesus provides a model prayer, known as the Lord’s Prayer, which emphasizes reverence for God, dependence on Him for daily needs, forgiveness, and deliverance from evil (Matthew 6:9-13). This prayer encapsulates the essence of a godly relationship and priorities.


Similarly, Jesus addresses fasting, underscoring the importance of not appearing disheveled to signal fasting to others but maintaining a normal appearance so that the fast remains between the individual and God (Matthew 6:16-18).

The Treasures of Heaven (Matthew 6:19-24)

Earthly vs. Heavenly Treasures

Jesus advises his followers to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth, where material wealth is subject to decay and theft. He argues that spiritual investments have eternal value and are safeguarded by God (Matthew 6:19-21).

The Lamp of the Body

Expanding on the theme of focus, Jesus describes the eye as a lamp of the body, suggesting that a “healthy” eye leads to spiritual clarity and light, while an “unhealthy” eye results in darkness and confusion (Matthew 6:22-23).

Serving Two Masters

He concludes this section by stating it is impossible to serve both God and money, stressing the necessity of choosing allegiance to God over material wealth (Matthew 6:24).

Worry and Trust in God (Matthew 6:25-34)

Do Not Worry

Jesus commands his disciples not to worry about life’s basic needs like food and clothing. He points to the birds and flowers, which are cared for by God, illustrating that God values humans far more and will provide for them (Matthew 6:25-30).

Seek First the Kingdom

Instead of succumbing to anxiety, believers are urged to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, with the assurance that all necessary things will be provided by God as they prioritize spiritual pursuits over worldly concerns (Matthew 6:31-34).

Theological Significance

Connection to Jesus Christ

Matthew 6 reveals Jesus’ teachings on practical godliness and the inner transformation that accompanies true discipleship. His instructions reflect His authority and divine insight, guiding believers towards a life that mirrors His own in priorities and trust in the Father.

God’s Love for the World

This chapter underscores God’s profound care for His creation, reassuring us of His provision and concern for our most basic needs. The emphasis on God’s attentiveness to our private spiritual practices (prayer, fasting, giving) illustrates a relationship based on genuine love and intimacy.

Contemporary Relevance

Matthew 6 remains relevant today as it addresses common human concerns such as anxiety, materialism, and the need for approval. It calls modern believers to a focused and faithful life, encouraging trust in God over worldly anxieties and ambitions. The principles taught by Jesus promote a counter-cultural lifestyle that prioritizes spiritual well-being and eternal values over temporal gains.


Matthew 6 challenges believers to reflect deeply on their motivations, behaviors, and priorities. By fostering a life of discreet piety, dependence on God for provision, and a focus on eternal values, this chapter guides individuals toward a transformative and fulfilling spiritual journey. It remains a crucial text for understanding the practical implications of living out the kingdom of God here and now, ensuring that believers’ lives are aligned with divine purposes and filled with peace that transcends earthly concerns.