

Revelation 10 presents an interlude between the judgments of the sixth and seventh trumpets, introducing a mighty angel with a little scroll. This chapter, rich in symbolism, emphasizes the continuation of God’s prophetic messages and the role of John as a prophet to the nations. It also underscores the sovereignty and mystery of God’s plans during the end times.

The Appearance of the Mighty Angel

Description of the Angel

John describes seeing a mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head. His face is like the sun, and his legs are like fiery pillars (Revelation 10:1). This vivid imagery signifies the angel’s divine authority and the glory associated with his message.

The Little Scroll

The angel holds a little scroll, which is open in his hand. This detail suggests that the contents of the scroll are significant and urgent, pertaining to God’s unfolding plan (Revelation 10:2).

The Angel’s Proclamation

The angel stands with one foot on the sea and one on the land, symbolizing his authority over the whole earth. He gives a loud shout like the roar of a lion, and when he shouts, the voices of the seven thunders speak (Revelation 10:3-4). John is about to write down what the thunders have said, but he hears a voice from heaven commanding him to seal up what the thunders have said and not to write it down, indicating some divine truths are to remain hidden for the time being (Revelation 10:4).

The Oath of the Angel

Swearing by the Creator

The angel raises his right hand to heaven and swears by Him who lives forever and created everything, declaring that there will be no more delay (Revelation 10:5-6). This oath emphasizes the imminence of God’s final actions in the history of redemption.

The Mystery of God

The angel announces that in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, fulfilling the good news declared by His servants the prophets (Revelation 10:7). This statement connects the impending events with the prophetic writings and God’s overarching salvific plan.

John and the Little Scroll

Command to Take the Scroll

John is told to take the scroll from the angel’s hand. When he takes it, the angel instructs him to eat it; it will be sweet in his mouth but will turn sour in his stomach (Revelation 10:8-9). This action symbolizes the reception of God’s word, which is initially sweet in its revelation but can bring bitterness due to the harsh realities it pronounces.

The Effect of the Scroll

John eats the scroll as instructed, and it turns out as the angel had said: sweet to taste but sour in the stomach. This experience reflects the dual nature of prophetic messages, which bring both God’s promises and warnings of judgment (Revelation 10:10).

Prophesying Again

Finally, John is told that he must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings (Revelation 10:11). This commission underscores the ongoing role of the prophet in declaring God’s truth to the world, despite the challenges and hardships involved.

Conclusion: Significance and Relevance

Connection to Jesus Christ

Revelation 10 connects to Jesus Christ through the themes of prophecy and divine revelation, which Christ embodies and mediates. His sovereign rule is reflected in the angel’s actions and declarations, emphasizing Christ’s authority over all creation.

God’s Love for the World

This chapter illustrates God’s love through His commitment to communicating with humanity, ensuring that His plans are revealed and understood, albeit partially. The giving of the little scroll to John shows God’s desire to involve His servants in His redemptive work.

Contemporary Relevance

Revelation 10 remains relevant today by reminding believers of the importance of embracing God’s word fully, even when it brings challenge or discomfort. It encourages Christians to be steadfast in their mission to share God’s truth, equipped with the understanding that God’s ultimate plan is good and just. This chapter reassures believers of the fulfillment of all God’s promises and calls them to active participation in His prophetic purposes.

Through its depiction of heavenly authority and prophetic commission, Revelation 10 offers profound insights into the nature of divine revelation and the responsibility of believers to engage with and proclaim the full counsel of God.