

Revelation 15 sets the stage for the final series of judgments from God, described as the seven last plagues. This chapter provides a prelude to these judgments, highlighting the readiness of God’s wrath to complete His plan and underscoring the holiness and justice of His actions. It also features a scene of worship by those who have been victorious over the beast, celebrating God’s mighty deeds and His righteous nature.

Vision of the Seven Angels

The Seven Last Plagues

John sees another great and marvelous sign in heaven: seven angels with the seven last plagues, which are described as “last,” because with them God’s wrath is completed (Revelation 15:1). This introduction emphasizes the finality and decisive nature of these forthcoming judgments.

Preparation of the Angels

The seven angels emerge from the temple, clothed in clean, shining linen and wearing golden sashes around their chests (Revelation 15:6). This attire symbolizes purity and holiness, reflecting the divine authority with which they carry out their tasks.

The Song of Moses and the Lamb

The Victorious by the Sea of Glass

John observes those who had been victorious over the beast and its image standing beside a sea of glass mixed with fire (Revelation 15:2). This setting symbolizes their purification and triumph through trial and persecution. They hold harps given by God and are prepared to worship.

Worship and Proclamation

The victors sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, a song of deliverance and redemption, celebrating God’s mighty acts and just ways (Revelation 15:3-4). They declare, “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations.” This song acknowledges God’s unparalleled holiness and the righteousness of His judgments, affirming that all nations will come and worship before Him, recognizing His justice.

Preparation for the Bowl Judgments

The Temple Filled with Smoke

The temple in heaven is filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power, and no one can enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels are completed (Revelation 15:7-8). This manifestation of smoke signifies the intense presence of God and marks a solemn moment before the execution of the final plagues. The closure of the temple indicates the seriousness of the moment and that the focus is now wholly on the completion of God’s wrath.

Conclusion: Significance and Relevance

Connection to Jesus Christ

Revelation 15 connects to Jesus Christ through the song of the Lamb, which highlights Christ’s role in salvation and judgment. As the Lamb, He is central to God’s plan of redemption and His execution of justice, bridging divine holiness and mercy with righteous wrath.

God’s Love for the World

This chapter demonstrates God’s love by emphasizing His commitment to eradicating evil and restoring righteousness. The celebration of His just and true ways by those who have overcome the beast reassures believers that God’s actions are always rooted in His righteous character, aiming towards the ultimate good of creation.

Contemporary Relevance

Revelation 15 remains relevant today by reminding believers of the seriousness of God’s holiness and the reality of His final judgment. It encourages a life of purity, worship, and respect for God’s sovereignty. For the church, it reinforces the need to persevere in faith, maintaining integrity in the face of evil, and holding onto the hope of God’s final victory over sin.

Through its portrayal of the heavenly preparations for the last judgments and the worship of the redeemed, Revelation 15 calls believers to reflect on the power and majesty of God, urging them to live in anticipation of His righteous acts and the fulfillment of His promises.